Thursday, 23 October 2008

Hull Comedy Festival

This is a model i made in two days!! ( it usually takes me a lil longer) to advertise the Hull Comedy festival which kicks off this week it was made out of paper mache then painted

he is a green helmet the official mascot of the comedy festival and he is been displayed in the tourist info office !

(i apologise for the dodgy photos the sun was just in the wrong place!!)

Poster Brief Take 2

this is the second image it is a set (i couldnt decide which i prefered) for the olympics and its for gymnastics

Monday, 6 October 2008

Poster Brief

these images are for my first brief of the uni year !

the first image is for article 23 of the declaration of human rights which is all about employment rights

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

This is a puppet of the famous Mick Ronson that I made for a quick histories of Hull street show for the Hull Comedy Collective!

He was made using newspaper(lots) and good old fashioned flour and water paste! then painted with whatever cheap poster or acrylic paint I had laying around his shoes were glamed up with glitter glue! then he was varnished!

Finally he was given a mini silky glam-rock catsuit, a funky belt and a rock star expression!!!

Saturday, 17 May 2008

This set of image is to show Rancid Transformation, it was set for the project connected words.
I wanted to show some of the reality that goes with producing an egg, about 40 million male chicks are gassed every year as they are not required in the battery egg industry!